From Surrey to Sauk Rapids...

rob_run.pngWhat's the difference between a "wanker" and a "tosser?"

Only people from the UK know for sure, so we plan to ask Rob Madgwick the next time we see him.

Rob is a 52-year-old Englishman who has resided in Sauk Rapids for the last several years. He's originally from the small city of Haslemere, the southermost town in Surrey. To get from Haselmere to London, you can take the "South West Trains." If you would rather drive, the A3 is just a few miles west of town.

Haslemere is a beautiful town that looks a bit like Sandford, the perennial "Village of the Year" in the awesome movie, "Hot Fuzz."

Rob is not just a British guy who looks like an older version of Ed Sheeran and lives in a suburb of St. Cloud, where he works for a company called Blackboard, Inc., which, we were disappointed to learn, does not actually manufacture blackboards. We'd tell you what the company does, which is totally cool and totally comprehensive, but it's pretty complicated, so we invite you to visit its website (blackboard.com) and/or FB page.

"Madge" is also a decorated multisport guy. His duathlon resume is particulately impressive. So much so that he was included in the Master of the Year discussions in 2016....


Rob is a great guy who undoubtedly loves gin, and Guinness, though Stella Artois is also one of his faves, and Adele. After we ask him to tell us the difference between wankers and tossers, we'll ask him how he feels about the whole Brexit deal.


Check out Rob's 2016 racing highlights:

- 2nd overall / 1st AG @ Cinco Du Mayo Sprint

- 3rd overall / 1st AG @ Greer Lake Sprint

- 5th overall / 1st AG @ Blaine Triathlon

- 6th overall / 2nd AG @ Harvest Duathlon

- 7th overall / 1st AG @ Graniteman Big Lake Sprint

- 8th overall / 1st AG @ Oakdale Duathlon

- 9th overall / 1st AG @ Falls Duathlon

- 22nd / 1st AG @ Apple Duathlon
