Pithy Slogans & Dogs in the Bathtub...

dogs-in-tub.gifBy Suzie Fox (suz--news.blogspot.com)

Being in a boot for 6 weeks was the best thing that could have happened to me this off-season. I have had some nagging injuries for the last 2+ years that weren't serious enough to take a lengthy chunk of time off for but they have come and gone over the years, held me back at times & have been frustrating. After returning to running post stress fracture I was out of shape and it felt really hard BUT everything else was healed! Not just my foot but my laundry list of other aches & pains! What a blessing in disguise!

I also needed a mental break and didn't even realize it. Not the burn out mental break, I can honestly say that after 6 years of racing I have never been burnt out mentally, not even close. Not on training, racing, anything, in fact it is quite the opposite. I have to be careful not to over race, over train & I am constantly reining myself in. In the early stages of the stress fracture I was in so much pain I didn't know if I would be able to ever run again or even walk pain free. That...

changed me mentally and I needed it. Now that I can run again I have never been so happy to wake up in the morning! I have a new perspective & a new focus, MYSELF, fun, & the reasons why I started racing in the first place! The break made e appreciate physical activity even more then I did before & cleared my head.

For the most part I think I have done a pretty good job focusing on positive things & been having a blast but there have been races & even portions of entire seasons that I have let things & people (both those I don't know & people I know) effect me in a negative way and take some of the enjoyment out of it. Things I used to care so much about I don't care about at all anymore. Things that used to be so important to me aren't anymore. READ MORE
