Strong Opinions...

Drugs-and-Syringes-007.gifBy Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com)

The Endurance Live Awards chose to honor Hines Ward, some ultra guy and an obvious doper. They did give out some awards to deserving folks. Javier Gomez and Brena Martinez (great track season, medal at the world championships) and Mirinda Carfrae all won awards. But to give male runner of the year to an ultra guy? What about the track or road athletes who actually run races against fast athletes? Nick Symmonds and Matt Centrowitz both got silver medals at Track Worlds in 2013. Those are pretty good accomplishments. As for Hines Ward, hasn’t he gotten enough attention and...

admiration for dragging his body around the Kona course? As for the obvious doper, are we really silly enough to think a 41 year old Chris Horner is going to magically find the form of his life and win the Vuelta clean? Apparently the Endurance Life Awards people are that silly. I hate to sound like a Grumpy Gus but we have plenty of amazing athletes that could use some celebrating instead of handing awards to the same circle of pseudo celebrities over and over again. READ MORE
