Craft Beer, Clive's Novels & a Haunch of Venison...

rossGoing Off Course - Ever heard the "Party Pooper" song? It's a parody of Frank Sinatra's "Pretty Baby," and it goes a little something like this:

Ever party needs a pooper

That's why we invited you,

Party pooper

Party pooper

It's tragic that many triathletes are party poopers. Sure, they'll party a little bit, like until 8:30. Then they leave 'cuz they need to get to bed early so they can get up early to train.

And there are those triathletes who don't party at all, just because it isn't a healthy thing to do. Talk about anal!...

Thank goodness there are a few triathletes, however, who are actual party animals; those who occasionally allow themselves to get down and get funky. Those who aren't afraid to get totally wasted and do embarrassing stuff, like pee in the sink, get naked or throw up on their dance partner.summit

Two-time Minnesota Master of the Year, Heidi Keller-Miler, is a total party animal. (Have her tell you the "Broom Closet" story some time.) And so is the simianly hirsute yet ruggedly handsome Ross Weinzierl, who has never met a beer he didn't like, and has a pervasive smile the size and wattage of a surgical lamp. He'll gladly get do-do-faced with a bunch of un-dudly, body-shot-slurping non-triathletes on Friday night, and, eschewing slumber, hang in there until the sun rises and it's time to leave for a Saturday race, where he'll be recognized in the transition area as the big furry guy who doesn't smell too good and has a smile the size and wattage of a surgical lamp.

And don't be surprised if Ross cracks the overall Top 10 at said race. You see, he's a dang good triathlete in addition to being an ineluctably likeable dude. So likeable, in fact, that races with him in them are palpably cooler than those he doesn't attend.

In addition to being a non-party-pooper and Sarah Lee-likeable (nobody doesn't like Sarah Lee!), Ross is a "Bones" watcher who likes venison a lot and has read all of Clive Cussler's totally good novels. He has a girlfriend that he loves even more than beer and he wears boxer briefs. His hero is his dad.

Please read Ross' mucho-interesting bio below. And say hello to him when you see him at a race. We bet you'll make a new friend.

Personal Stuff:

Hometown? Waconia, Minnesota. Current is St.Paul MN, Highland Park

Education? University of St.Thomas, BSME (Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering)

Occupation? Compliance Engineer, Cummins Power Generation

rossMarried? Committed? Family Members? Wonderful girlfriend Brianna (the one with the awesome shirt if you recall
