Philantrophy, Ketchup & Dancing Children...

penticoffs(Photo - L - R - The Penticoffs - Olivia, Renee, Scotty and Jenna.)

Interview - Scott Penticoff is not just a great athlete, he's one of the coolest and most honorable guys we know. He also owns a lot of great shirts. He's returning to the multi scene after taking 2011 off to concentrate on other things. Recently we had the chance to discuss important stuff with him, like philanthropy and ketchup and parenthood.

MTN - You concentrated on ultra-running and philanthropy in 2011. What did you set out to accomplish in those areas? And did you satisfy your goals?

SP - MTN Guys,

commodity. There were 7 of us first timers trying to complete our first 100 miler in the Black Hills 100 out of Sturgis, SD...the first inaugural run. In addition, we ran for a local charity Admission Possible (now called College Possible) which provides lower socioeconomic kids a 2 year program to prep and take the ACT/SAT tests to get into logocollege. All students are first generation in their family to ever attend college. This charity has been near and dear to me for a long time, and one that hits home being a first generation college student in my family. The 7 of us started and proud to say 4 of us finished and got our belt buckle. I ran with my training partner and I consider my brother Todd Firebaugh step for step and we came in 5th overall. Although only 4 finished from our team we beat the DNF rate which was 70% as 92 started the race and only 27 finished...needless to say it was a brutal race with unforgiving terrain. What I am most proud of with the race is that together our team raised over $100,000 for College Possible!!!

MTN - In 2010, you enjoyed a stellar multisport season and were nominated for Master of the Year. Well deserved! What are your tri/du goals for 2012?

SP - This year I am coming back to the sport I love dearly with an amazing and talented group of athletes here in MN. I am hopeful I can get into shape and find some resemblance of speed. Unfortunately the times keep getting faster and I keep getting older. I think I will focus mainly on Sprint to Olympic distance races, possibly a 70.3 towards the end of the season depending how the racing season progresses. I am hopeful to go back to Ironman distance in 2013. I look forward to toeing the line with everyone and sharing stories at the end of the races.

MTN - How's your health? Any aches and pains? What about your current training? Going well?

SP - It has been a tough road to get back into speed shape and have had hiccups along the way. I underestimated how much the 100 miler took out of me, and made the mistake of racing the Twin Cities Sprint Triathlon 3 weeks after my ultra race. I have suffered from achilles tendinitis and chronic hamstring pain for about 7 months, and now recently I am finally running without pain. The other tough part was getting back in the pool, which is my weakest event and is so hard to get into swim shape...one day at a time. Bottom line is there a big question mark on the season, but one thing for sure is I will have fun!

ketchupMTN - We hear you've got a new job? Can you tell us about that? Does this mean you are switching ketchup brands?

SP - Guys, I will never switch ketchup brands...Heinz is number one period : ) I took a new role with a small manufacturer Primera Foods as the National Sales Manager working with distributors and brokers across the nation. I have been there 4 months and has been a great experience and definitely busy.

MTN - What's new with your family? What are your exceptional kids up to these days?

SP - The family is doing great and adjusting to Dad's new schedule thanks to my wonderful wife Renee. Both my girls are competitive dancers, so I guess I am a Dance Dad. They are so awesome to watch and extremely proud of all the hard work and dedication they put into their routines...they are my greatest gift! Jenna (12) and Olivia (8) will be doing the Miracles of Mitch triathlon in the Summer, one that Jenna has completed 3 times...so I guess a little of me has rubbed off on them?

MTN - We look forward to watching you race, Scotty. See you soon.
