
V3 Minneman Stuff...

mmMinneman IX - The 9th annual Minneman Sprint and 2nd annual Minneman Olympic, hereafter known as the V3 Minneman, are set for this Saturday at Lake George in Oak Grove. The tri venue is one of the region's best and the courses are flat, fast and scenic. The sprint is as fine an introductory experience as any in the region.

Let's do some predictions. Understanding that the weekend is engorged with races--Minneman, Average Jo, Croixathlon, Lake Waconia and North Mankato--which spreads the talent around like cream cheese on a bagel, and that the registration list we saw was partial and that some late sign-ups will likely finish well, we will say that we have a special level of excitement for

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Virgins Rule...

logoBy Chris Crocker (President and unelected despot of the Greater Mankato Multisport Club)

The Inaugural St James Triathlon was a resounding success on what began as a stormy Sunday morning. This was a new race this year in what is becoming a burgeoning Triathlon community in Southern Minnesota. St James is just the latest town to add a triathlon to their summer events, and join the ranks of Mankato, Waseca, Fairmont, Albert Lea, Jackson, St Peter, and Rochester as great racing options south of the Twin Cities.

St James was well organized, and had enviable door prizes to include bikes, an iPod and other great prizes! The pool swim made the race a great way to break into the sport for tri virgins and nervous open water swimmers; which

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Bourne-Again Triathlete...

katRochesterFest VI - Do you remember the beginning of "The Bourne Supremacy" where Matt Damon as Jason Bourne was running on the beach in western India? He was going balls-out, world-record pace and wasn't even breathing. His mouth didn't move at all. He wasn't puffing, much less panting.

How can he do that?

Well, apparently it can be done 'cuz that "fast-yet-non-breathing" style is how Kat Schlaefer runs (photo L - nice "Gunshow"). It's amazing. And despite being, as they say in Bournesque espionage-istic jargon, "off the grid" in 2011, Ms. Schaleger's O2-less running has helped propel her to victory in six of her last 12 multisport starts, the most recent of which was on Sunday at the 6th annual RochesterFest Olympic....

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Breakouts & Runaways...

larry(Photo - Rookie triathlete Larry Hosch.)

Graniteman-St. Cloud - David Phillips, a Maple Grove-based New Zealander, who has a cool accent and calls some of his friends,"mates," came into Sunday's soggy, windy, rain-delayed Graniteman-St. Cloud Triathlon knowing that he was destined to win races. How soon he would chalk up that first W was the question. He'd already come within one place of the top spot at Buffalo Sprint on June 2, and at Du at the Dam and Maple Grove Sprint in 2012.

Was Sunday going to be the breakout day? Or would he have to wait?

Thanks largely to a big-time bike split, Sunday was the day. David

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The Midwest's "Arrrgh-iest" Triathon...

logoCroixathlon XIII Preview - The eight edition of our region's "arrgh-iest" triathlon will take place at Camp St. Croix south of Hudson, Wisconsin on Saturday. The buccaneer-themed event is a hoot and we recommend it as highly as, say, David Holden and Dan Cohen, do. Both of those guys are two-time champions and both have called the event, "My favorite race."

Croixathlon is challenging, yet laid-back, serious, but not fun-drainingly so. You have your choice of a plethora of events (six, actually) this weekend, ....

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