
Beer is Good!

beers.gif10 Surprising Health Benefits of Beer


Kitchen Daily 3/12/14


Everyone loves to tout the effects of red wine, but did you know that beer has some surprising health benefits as well?


This St. Patrick's Day, you may enjoy that beer even more knowing you'll be improving bone health and helping your kidneys — yes, you read...

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Two MN Races in National Du Series...


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — USA Triathlon today announced the 11 events that will comprise the second annual 2014 USA Triathlon Duathlon Race Series, created in 2013 to meet the needs of the growing multisport discipline of duathlon...

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Stuff About Calorie Deprivation...

eating.gifBy Matt Dixon (triathlon.competitor.com)

Triathlon coach Matt Dixon answers a question about utilizing fat as a source of energy by reducing calorie intake during long workouts.

Q: I have heard that to teach the body to utilize fat as a source of energy you should deprive yourself of calories during lower-intensity, longer workouts. What do you think of this theory—is it a smart option for the amateur triathlete?

A: Let’s first look at how nutrition fits as an overall component of training. Many athletes and coaches fall into the trap of viewing each component of...

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Calming Pre-Race Nerves...

toilet-girl.gifBy Triathlete.com

Being nervous before a race is normal, and can even help you race faster by getting those endorphins flowing. But there’s a fine line between having butterflies in your stomach and hurling into a trashcan five minutes before the start. Here are some tips to keep you calm, cool and collected before the gun goes off.

1.    Music: These days, MP3 players are the size of your thumb and can easily be stashed away in your transition bag prior to heading down to the start or...

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Last Hoorahing...

Postcard-front-1.gifWe got this cool postcard from Heather Lendway last Tuesday. She was in Greece at the time spending devalued Euros and eating goat with yogurt and grape leaves. For those who don't know, Greece is in what is called the "Mediterranean" region, not far from Europe.

We were able to decipher almost all of Heather's note. Most of it written in English. Check it out:


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