
Stuff About Bike Crashes...

bike-crash.gifBy Scott Fliegelman (triathlon.competitor.com)


Even with the best biking education and years of experience, many triathletes will experience a crash. I learned a lot from surviving a scary one and I hope my experience, along with these recommendations, can help you prevent—or bounce back from—a crash.

Avoid a crash
Expert tips for stacking the odds in your favor:

“When I go on training group rides, I am hyper-aware of everyone around me and am always looking for an escape route if someone goes down.” Tim DeBoom, two-time Ironman world champion...

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Figure-Friendly Holiday Treats...

SEAN-AND-HANNA.gifBy Hanna G. Gingersnap (fitgingersnap.com)

I’ve told you before that I am not the hugest dessert lover on the planet. In fact, I could also tell you that if given the choice between a slab of chocolate and a huge steak…I would always choose the protein. But during this time of year? All bets are off and everything sweet and spice reigns supreme. But for the fitness fanatic/health freak that I am…treats loaded with butter and sugar and chocolate and candy (while good on occasion) are not something I eat on the reg. So what’s a girl to do when hit with a sweet tooth while trying to stay committed to my health goals? WELLLLLL, I make those sweets, using wholesome ingredients....

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"Just Go Play"....

adults-at-play-sign.gifED. Marnie Walth is North Dakota's premier female multisport athlete. She's raced in Minnesota many times over the years and has won her share of our most competitive races, e.g. Heart of the Lakes, Timberman, Apple, Gear West Du, Square Lake etc. In 2005, she was ranked 3rd on Team Minnesota. Recently she was hired to write a weekly fitness column for the Bismarck Tribune. She's a terrific writer and her words should resonate with fitness and recreational enthusiasts everywhere, not just in the Prairie Rose state.

By Marnie Walth (BismarckTribune.com)

Whenever I see a new trail project underway my brain speaks to me in a wise man’s whispery, whimsical voice: “If you build it, he will come.” Or, more appropriately, “they will come.”

I’m not suggesting the Chicago Black Sox will appear from area cornfields as they did for Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) in “Field of Dreams,” but rather Team Western NoDak — our communities’ adults, children and even teenagers — will come to run, walk, bike, rollerblade, skateboard, push a stroller or be pushed in a stroller....

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Disciplined Saving...

KATIE-AND-BIKE.gifED. Katie Cummings is a Minnesota triathlete and blogger. Last year she started a savings program that allowed her to buy her beloved Trek.

By Katie Cummings (katielookingforward.com)

As 2014 wraps up, I thought I’d look back on my original Dirty Dozen 2012 New Years Resolutions, specifically #8 “Save Money.” In 2012 I lived alone and had a corporate job that included a vehicle. The perks were wonderful, but the drive time definitely got to me.

In 2013 I moved home and my expenses were much smaller, health care was the biggest change. Paying for my own insurance definitely isn’t exciting, but its a reality. Saving money didn’t come as easily. When I found the 52 Week Money Challenge through Outside My Head, I knew I had to give it a try! ...

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