
Breakthroughs, PRs & Successful Debuts...

dani-and-heiney.gifHEART OF THE LAKES - BRIDGET MCCOY had a breakout victory at Life Time - Minneapolis two Saturday's ago. Yesterday, at the perennially awesome HOLT, it was CHRISTINA ROBERTS' turn to have the performance of her life. More words and photos tomorrow. RESULTS

RACINE 70.3 - Several Minnesotans rocked socks at Racine yesterday. BRIAN SAMES lowered his 70.3 PR from 4:16 to 4:12 and was the 4th amateur to cross the line. And GABY BUNTEN's long course debut produced a 4:52:15, which topped her AG and placed her 6th among female amateurs. Finishing just ahead of Gaby in 5th place was NICOLE "HEINEY" HEININGER (photo L with 7th place pro / honorary Minnesotan DANI FISCHER), who turned in a sweet 4:48:01. Her time was only 1:27 off the 70.3 PR she set last year at Chisago. FYI, KRIS SPOTH popped an impressive 4:13:53, which placed him 7th among amateur men.


LIFE TIME - NEW YOUR CITY TRIATHLON - Despite an uncharacteristically lackluster swim split, St. Paul pro HEATHER LENDWAY managed to crack the Top 5 in the Big Apple. Duluth's JESS ROSSING finished 8th among amateur women. RESULTS  ....

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Thompson & McCoy Repeat in SD...

PACKET-PICKUP.gifALSO: Here are some results links: PAUL BUNYAN, HEART OF THE LAKES and BUZZ RYAN. Lots of great racing news to share, both here in Minnesota and elswhere. Visit MTN tomorrow for coverage.

(Photo - Best Packet Pickup facility ever.)

OUTLAND CHALLENGE SPRINT - As they did in 2014, St. Paul residents David Thompson and Bridget McCoy dominated their respective genders at the Outland Challenge Sprint, South Dakota's oldest triathlon, yesterday. For DKT, who is undefeated in four starts this season despite dealing with an annoying injury or two, it was his 97th career win. Though he was a tad slower (24 seconds) than in 2014, his margin of victory was greater--10:16 to 9:12.

David plans to defend his title at Heart of the Lakes Sprint this morning, and perhaps even dip under the magical 40-minute mark. His course record is 40:04...

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Understanding Recovery...

swimmer-stroke.gifNOTE: Results links for OUTLAND CHALLENGE - LINK. A link to PAUL BUNYAN results will be posted here and on the Results Page as soon as they are available.

By Krista Austin (triathlon.competitor.com)

Triathletes often believe that integrating a few recovery days into a long training buildup is enough to allow the body to rebuild and reap the benefits of hard training days. But even if your muscles feel OK after a few rest days, these short periods of rest are not sufficient on their own.

Let’s consider the science behind your training: The nervous system can be highly taxed during a period of hard training as the brain controls muscle function. As a result, the body requires regular, extended periods of rest to restore the neuromuscular system. Most athletes can handle approximately two and a half to three weeks of a progressive training load before requiring a restoration period of approximately seven days (aka a recovery week)....

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"Du Rock" Philly...

HL-du-rock.gifBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

TriRock Philly Race Report - The past month has been tough physically and even more so mentally. It’s still hard for me to comprehend that a sickness could wear my body down so much. The week leading into Philly I finally had a couple decent rides and swims, my running on the other hand still seemed a little behind. I was excited to race to test my fitness but nervous about performing at the level that I expect of myself.

Friday I arrived in Philly early afternoon, followed shortly by my parents who made the long drive out to watch me race. After a long, exhausting overnight trip I was glad they were able to sleep through my loud trainer workout. That evening we picked up my packet and checked out the bike course, two laps of a highly technical course with four climbs each loop. I wasn’t too worried about the climbs but it had rained all week and rain was still in the forecast so I wasn’t looking forward to the fast technical downhills....

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North Country Buzz & Other Stuff...


4th Annual BUZZ RYAN SPRINT - This super-cool event takes place next Sunday at Island Lake north of Duluth at a picnic park that appears to have been designed with triathlon in mind. The race is a great prelude to Brewhouse, which had moved to the same venue three years ago, but its primary goal is to lure newbies and introduce them to the multisport lifestyle. Here's BRS' Mission Statement:  ...

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