Race Coverage

Cool Words From Last Weekend...


ED. On Monday we received an email from Mike Murray. He said his wife would kill him if he contacted us, thus we HAD to post this. In case you didn't know, Judy is a terrific multisport athlete. Her resume features five consecutive AG titles at Apple, and an age group win this year at Chisago. She had also won her division in past editions of Maple Grove Olympic, Green Lake Olympic, Buffalo Olympic and the Graniteman races.



My wife Judy (photo) would kill me if she knew I contacted you but she qualified for Kona this past Saturday at Ironman Maryland, so I thought I had to.  She battled breast cancer in 2009 and competed in triathlons with her bald head, so she has come a long way.  IMMD was hot and humid and the swim was a mine field of jellyfish.


Dani Vsetecka

Tough day on the playground at #ironmanaugusta703. Caught a cold and woke up feeling a bit feverish race day πŸ€’πŸ€§, but felt good enough to give it a go. Felt ok on the swim cruising down the Savannah River πŸŠβ€β™€οΈand was smiling at the start of the bike πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ, but soon enough...

erinresult.pngthe congestion and heat caught up with me. πŸ˜“ I tried to hold it together, but from the start of the run I was dizzy and woozy and after the first few very labored miles, I ended up on sitting a curb trying to stay upright (πŸ™ˆ)and called it quits before I did any serious damage. 
BUT, so many good things came from the weekend. I was so touched by the nicest man who helped me call my family and the medics. I could not be more proud of Ted Treise 14th place in the pro field on a tough day. πŸ’ͺπŸ₯° I got to spend the weekend with the best mom Darlene Vsetecka and soon-to-be in-laws. And a 3-day cold is not a 6-week injury! I'm disappointed I didn't have to chance to race at my best, but grateful I'll be back at it again soon. 
Next up: IMT Des Moines Half Marathon October 20th!


Meanwhile, her fiance Ted Treise, a rookie pro, placed 14 at Augusta 70.3. He and Dani were overall amateur champions there in 2018. Ted had these pithy words about his experience last Sunday: Fun day at the Ironman office with running my way into 14th in the pro field! Not to mention the best support crew; I’m at luckiest guy in the world. h

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Erin Lahti

Augusta 70.3 did not disappoint. With great coaching under Ben Harding I was able to put together a race to be proud of. It's my fastest 70.3 by over 11 mins. Redemption feels good. And my Base nutrition was spot on in this heat.
I finally got my "A" race of 2019.



