Race Coverage

Ironman Closure...



By Angela Kidd (willtrainforcreamcheeseicing.blogspot.ca)


IRONMAN LOUISVILLE RACE REPORT - Many times on the run I had this thought: Ironman was breaking up with me and this time it was going to stick. I kept comparing Ironman to that boyfriend that keeps telling the girl that he doesn't love her and they break up and then he gets bored and feigns interest and they get back together because the girl just can't give up hope. Eventually friends and family stop supporting the girl because they see how destructive the cycle is and they don't want to be a part of it.This was my fifth attempt at Ironman and for the fifth time Ironman was telling me it didn't love me and this time the message was being delivered brutally enough that it is getting through to me.

It was the closure I needed to move on.

Leading up to the race I was physically pretty fit. I actually loved the training this summer because I got to spend a lot of time with Kelli and I joined a great masters group and was able to ride and run with friends frequently. I didn't race very often and that was because I didn't really want to. But at some point right after Chattanooga I was just over IM training. I didn't want to get up at a number that started with a 4 in front of it. I didn't want to jump in a cold pool. I didn't want to subject my crotch to more time on a bike seat. I still wanted to run but I wanted to run fresh and not ...

after a stupid long bike ride. When people asked me how I felt about Louisville my response was "I just want it to be over with." I didn't know if this was because I was burnt out or if it was my protective measure because I wasn't feeling confident. Sometimes I can't tell the difference between those two feelings. I was hoping it was the latter but really afraind it was the former.   READ MORE
