Race Coverage

Uncooperative Watches, Burgers and Beer...


By Angela Kidd (willtrainforcreamcheesefrosting.blogspot.ca)


Hmmmm, where to start with the Worlds 70.3 race report? I knew last year I wanted to qualify to do this race. I love Chattanooga, I like the 70.3 distance and I like a race at the end of the summer giving me warm Minnesota weather to train in. I managed to qualify last year at Steelhead so I was able to race this year without the presure of needing to earn a qualifying spot.


I also decided to sign up for IM Louisville and make that my A race. I NEED to have an IM where I don't completely fall apart on the run. I NEED to have an IM experience where I feel like it reflects the work I've put in. For some reason I am unable to walk away from this sport with unfinished business at a distance I don't even like that much! If this "non-disaster" of a race brings with it other things, that's great. But that's not what I'm chasing. I am chasing a satisfying IM race result so that if I pursue being a pure runner again, I won't feel like I have unfinihsed business with swim, bike, run.


So given IM Louisville is my A race and it's only a month away, Ryan and I didn't do anything speciala to prepare for Chattanooga other than adding a lot more hills to my bike and run training. And this was no easy feat because while Minnesota has some hills, we don't have...

mountains and finding any climbs longer than about a minute in duration is pretty hard to do. This meant I did a lot of hill repeats on my fat tire bike. Heavier bike made the hills longer because I was slower (and this was also more fun - I love spending time on my fat tire bike). I say all this not to make excuses. In fact it was the opposite. I felt no real pressure going into this race. I had no expectations with where I'd line up compared to the other women in my AG. I knew  they would be fast and all I could control was me.  READ MORE

Photo - Kelly Moretter-Bue and Angela Kidd
