You Know You're a Triathlete When...

teeth-guy.gifFrom: RunLadylike.com (November 2013)

After finishing my half Iron distance triathlon several weeks ago, I stayed on the course to cheer on all the athletes who were completing the full Iron distance. As the sun set and it began to get dark, you could see the focus, pain and determination in the eyes of everyone on the run.

My good friend and training partner – who is also an Ironman finisher – leaned over to me and said, “The thing about Ironman is that every step becomes a choice. You choose to keep putting one foot in front of the other. You choose to keep moving forward. It’s no longer physical. It’s all mental at this point. It’s a choice.”

There’s something slightly crazy about all of us who choose long distance endurance sports – who choose pain and hurt and hard days as our drug of choice. Good crazy, but still crazy all the same. In honor of all my friends who competed in IRONMAN Florida this past weekend and for everyone who has swam, biked and ran to achieve their goals this year, I thought I’d end the season with a little triathlon humor...


You know you’re a triathlete when …
1. You long for the days when you only have to work out once.
2. You haven’t gone out on a Friday night in 6 months.
3. You often go to work with goggle marks on your face.

LOGO-STUFF.gif4. You get up earlier on the weekends than any other day of the week. You have completely forgotten what it feels like to sleep in.
5. Your favorite day of the week is your rest day, even when that falls on a Monday.
6. You panic when you have to travel out of town because you don’t know where you’ll swim.
7. Dogs have created a new fear in your heart.
8. You are completely obsessed with being more aerodynamic.
9. Your appetite is larger than anyone else you know.
10. Your spouse/partner border-line hates the sport of triathlon.
11. You look at all the age group race times from the past 3 years before every race. Or in other words, you are a controlling, obsessive neurotic maniac.
12. You considered wearing your wet suit as your Halloween costume....READ MORE
