Beating the Winter Blues...

winter_blues.pngBy Danielle Liubicich (triathlete.com

You’re inspired by the new year, but it’s winter, the days are short, maybe your neighborhood is buried under a foot of snow, and triathlon season feels like it may never start up again. Sound familiar? You’re not alone! The winter training blues happen to everyone whether you live in a warm southern climate or the frigid north. Everyone struggles with motivation and consistency as they recover from their previous season and start laying the foundation for the next year of racing.

Here are five tips to keep you moving in a positive direction through the long winter months.

1. Take some time to reflect on what triathlon means to you. What do you enjoy about training and racing? What parts of the experiences are most enjoyable to you? Triathlon is a sport and it should be fun. Whenever you...

feel like you’re getting too serious or stressed out about training (or the thought of training), remember that triathlon is something we get to do, not something we have to do. Plus, “if it’s not fun, why do it?” (Ben & Jerry’s).

2. Set goals and targets. Are you trying to PR or complete a new distance? Are you racing to raise money or awareness for a special cause? Write down your goals and share them with someone to help hold you accountable. Dream big — if you want to race that championship race, don’t be afraid to say it. Don’t sell yourself short by not being honest about your goals. Once you have a main goal in place, your coach can help you with a timeline for achieving that goal as well as help you set intermediate goals as stepping-stones along your journey.

3. Focus on the process. How are you going to get yourself to that finish line in time to earn that personal record? What do you need to focus on to get there? What are your weaknesses and strengths (including physical, mental, nutritional)? How do you utilize or address each? By focusing on the steps necessary to reach that goal, you are investing in the day-to-day process of training. You will strengthen your motivation and build a sense of accomplishment as you complete your workouts knowing you’re laying the groundwork for races in the upcoming year. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to reach your racing goals, and progress and accomplishments along the way should be recognized and celebrated. Your coach can help you recognize your progress and keep you focused on the process of achieving your goals throughout your entire season. Your coach can also help you realize that all race experiences are valuable opportunities to learn something that will make you a better athlete in the future.  READ MORE
