
GWD Turns 20!

gwdRace Preview - The Gear West Duathlon will celebrate its 20th anniversary next Sunday. Cool, huh? Hey, don't you think you should be on hand for the celebration? If you haven't registered yet, we suggest you do so at your earliest opportunity.

Historically, the GWD has been the first major race on the Minnesota multisport calendar. As the annual launch of the Midwest Multisport Series, arguably the most competitive amateur multi series in America and has been since its inception in 1998, it draws an outrageously deep field. On several occasions in the past decade, the GWD has assembled the most talent-rich amateur field of the entire Minnesota season....

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Chelsea's Amazing Story....

busED. Trudy Marshall, aka "Trudles," is one of the MTN Guys. She is also the founder / Executive Director of the Best of the US Triathlon Series (LINK). On Tuesday she posted an amazing story about an amazing triathlete. We had to share it with MTN's readers.

May 08, 2012

"It's a terrifying thing to see a bus wheel on top of you."

On April 21, Chelsea Duran, 29, was the third place Nevada finisher at RAGE Triathlon at Lake Mead, Nevada, thereby qualifying to race at the Best of the U.S. National Championship. That is her bike helmet underneath the school bus, and this is her story:...

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Blaine Tri Stuff....

logoRace Preview - For the last seven years the Albert Lea Triathlon was the first multi on the Minnesota calendar that featured a lake swim. Earlier races were either duathlons or the swim portions took place in pools.

That changes this season. The inaugural Blaine Triathlon on Saturday, May 19, the day before the 8th annual Albert Lea Tri, is a cycle-heavy race consisting of a .3 mile lake swim, two 8.35 mile bike loops and a 3.5 mile run.

Race organizers established a 300-participant enrollment ceiling, which was reached several weeks ago. How cool is that? MTN sends our hearty congrats...

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Land Between the Lakes Stuff...

jen(Photo - 2011 LBTL women's champ, Jen Neuman, who is one of the coolest people we know.)

Race Preview - The Albert Lea Triathlon, aka "Land Between the Lakes," has never been a large event, averaging approximately 150ish race day attendees. That's too bad. Sure, it is a bit of a drive from Minnesota's tri hotbeds in the Twin Cities, Duluth and, to a lesser degree, Rochester. And the fact that the May water in Fountain Lake can euphemistically be called "invigorating." These factors certainly keep some folks away.

And then there's the issue of Legacy. Small races tend to stay small because folks unthinkingly assume that small races deserve to be that way.

That's a goshdarn shame! There many small races that are actually GREAT events. The Apple Duathlon comes immediately to mind. So does Croixathlon.

And so does Land Between the Lakes....

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Cool Weekend Stuff...

scotty* OAKDALE DU XI - Scotty Penticoff totally rocked, Suzi Fox totally rolled, Susan Ward got totally hooked & Lydia Novotny got major style points for her bodacious compression socks. Records fell on a perfect Saturday for racing at Lake Elmo Park Reserve. Story and photos on Tuesday. RESULTS

* CENTRAL LAKES CYCLE I - Local star David Jensen picked up his 2nd multisport victory in as many starts this season on Saturday at the new and unique CLC Bike-Run-Bike. He was joined in the Winners Circle by Alexndria's Angie Johnson. Ang outraced all the girls in all three phases of the competition and had the 3rd fastest opening bike split. Only the top two dudes--Jensen and Grand Rapids' Alan Dettmer had brisker rides. The event drew 70 participants. RESULTS

* Scurvy News:

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